It has been an incredible first season and we’re so thankful for all of your support and love throughout this journey. We’re so excited for Season 2 and we can't wait for you all to see what we have in store! Until then we hope you’ve learned ways to grow closer in your relationship with God and how to build deep connections with the women in your life. In our final episode of Season 1, our founders Jenn, Gabby, and Melissa look back at all of the amazing insights and takeaways that we’ve learned in previous episodes. We encourage you to listen!
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Episode 2: Your Brunch Friends vs. Your Bible Friends
Our co-founder Melissa discusses how she shares all the things we’ve been learning in our small group with the women in her life. Whether it’s a discussion or something we’ve been studying, she takes the opportunity to talk about it. “I get to take it to my friends. It’s not necessarily in the form of a testimony all the time. It’s sharing a scripture, or a takeaway that we have from one of the podcasts or simply just sharing the podcast.” She sees it as a way to empower women to be proud of their faith and to be courageous in God. “It’s testimony after testimony, example after example, miracle after miracle” and it ignites a confidence in her to continue sharing what God is doing. Melissa decided to be intentional with how her relationship with God would look. Her mom planted seeds about faith into her when she was younger and it’s brought her full circle to where she is today. “I’m pulling from the lessons, and the biggest one is leading by example.” She wants her daughter to see her praying on her knees and to be involved with women who are supportive and free in their faith.
We had an amazing opportunity to have a launch party for our podcast and it was so special to see all these women from different backgrounds come together. As the night progressed and as the discussion became more vulnerable, you could see women starting to let their guard down a little bit. While there were many things that made us different from one another, that night, we saw so many similarities in how we felt and even in some of the thoughts we had and it was evident that vulnerability breeds vulnerability.
“When you’re vulnerable with your emotions and with your faith and you open up to God and just trust - so many beautiful things can happen.”
Gabby trusted God and put the entire night into his hands. He revealed what he wanted us to do

that night and he was moving in the hearts of all of the women there. Jenn reminds us that “anything that you want to do that you want to succeed in, go to the Father.” These words ring with so much truth because that night was definitely a success and affirmation that this podcast was a part of his plan for something bigger.
Episode 3: There’s Only One Way to Create Sisterhood - Share Your Story
This episode was filled with so many incredible takeaways. Maxine taught us how to create a true sisterhood and revealed the power there is in sharing our stories. In relationships, friendships and even in sisterhoods, hurt will happen. We’re imperfect people and chances are we’ve hurt others and we’ve been hurt. With this in mind, we wanted to make sure that the sisterhood we created was one that was a place of vulnerability, honesty and healing. “We’re doing this sisterhood in a different way than what we’re used to or what we’ve experienced before. It’s bringing it back to God. The foundation of what we’re trying to do, it’s always bringing back to him and looking at scriptures.” Jenn explains that we aim to create a culture where we’re not afraid to say “I’m sorry, I admit that I have done wrong but can we continue to have this conversation so that you and I can restore, reconcile this relationship?” It’s about having a conviction that if you’re wrong, you’re wrong and you need to own it. “Restore the relationship no matter how many conversations it takes.”
Hurt can make us fear new relationships. It can make it difficult to trust people and open up our hearts to new friendships. I’ve experienced hurt from people I’ve cared about many times but what I’ve learned is that not every outcome has to be painful. In a sisterhood founded on God, we aim to emulate His example. Gabby reminds us that we as humans mess up often but God never shuts the door on us. He gives us grace and waits for us with open arms until we’re ready and that’s what a sisterhood needs to look like. “What a beautiful thought that a sister would wait for me to get there and be patient about it and not get frustrated with me.” The door is open and there is an expectation of love and grace on the other side of that door.
Another powerful aspect of a sisterhood is the power of sharing your story. When we have the courage to speak our truth, we open up the door for other women to speak up too. Maxine revealed how there is a ripple effect. “What happened when I shared my story was all of those women in the room, it was like a surreal moment where everybody was one. And girl after girl after girl spoke and said ‘me too.’ For the first time I realized that that story that I’ve been holding onto was actually healing for someone else.” Satan wants us to feel isolated and he tries to convince us that no one will understand or care or even believe us but he only does that because he knows there is power when we speak out our truth. “If one woman shares her vulnerability, this gives permission for others to share, you are the one to start that in someone else’s life. Your vulnerability not only helps heal you, but you can be the one to help heal others from your example of being vulnerable yourself.”
Speaking up can be scary and it can feel intimidating because you may not even be sure where to
start. Melissa shares that...
“if you look at what you’ve been through and are to share what you’ve learned or how your life has changed, that’s your testimony and that’s a great step one.”

When you feel ready, even if your courage is the size of a mustard seed, share your story. It doesn’t have to be with a group of people, it can be one person and that is still powerful. What you have to say matters, your voice matters, your story matters, YOU matter. Sharing the good and bad parts of your story has a purpose. Gabby shared that “that’s what the Bible is, people telling what He’s done for them. The telling of the struggle, the horror, the miraculous, and the joy that came after.” Satan will do anything and everything to keep you silent but he’s a coward and you are a daughter of God. Your Father knows the power that your story has. Have the courage to use your voice because you deserve to be heard and you’ll be surprised by how many people can relate.
Episode 4: Will He Still Be Your God?

We have our own idea of what we want our lives to look like. We have desires and expectations about what jobs we have or where we want to live or who we’ll marry or how much money we will have. We have dreams that we want to pursue and wants that we hope get fulfilled but sometimes God’s plan looks very different from ours. Jenn asked one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves when it comes to our relationship with God. “Will he still be your God even if the thing you want the most doesn’t happen?” Jenn’s story of infertility was an amazing example of how we can respond when our heart’s desires aren’t a part of God’s plan. She lived as a faithful follower of God and did everything she was supposed to but infertility was going to be a part of her story despite her desire to have children. I’ll always be inspired by her heart and approach to accepting this reality. “Even though I don’t feel it, even though I may not truly believe it, I’m going to answer it in obedience and say yes and I’m going to do my best to live that out for the rest of my life.” Melissa reminded us that we’re allowed to be angry with God and question him when we don’t understand why or agree with what’s happening because he can handle it. We can be vulnerable and have those conversations with him. When we don’t, it’ll make it more and more difficult to answer that question with a yes.
Episode 5: Could Changing Your Desires Cure You of Your Doubt…and Everything Else?
In Episode 5, Miriam expanded on how we can navigate through our feelings of anger and doubt towards God and ultimately finding healing in the end. She reminds us that God can deal with our doubt, pain and anger but, if left undealt with, it creates a barrier between us and God. “If we have an expectation that doesn’t get fulfilled, we can have disappointment, have blame, and that alone keeps us from being able to receive the very thing we need most.” In order for us to heal, we need God’s help. Melissa shares that “if you keep (anger, doubt, blame) inside of you, it’s just festering, you’re not really healing. You might be surface-healing but you’re not really tackling those issues. So by taking time to unpack it, and speak your truth, but also be patient and listen, that's true healing.”
Melissa mentions that when we trust God and we’re vulnerable with how we’re feeling, it does a few things. It creates a space where we trust him and it’s also a way to build intimacy with him because we’re being open and real with what’s going on in our hearts. “You sit and you wait for the answer and that’s clear communication, that’s true friendship. And so to me - it’s a good reminder that it’s okay to do that because it's going to help you unpack some of the stuff that you’re feeling but you’re trusting the right source for the answer which is God.”
Miriam’s prayer for healing: “God, I give you permission to do whatever it takes to remove the thing in me that’s been a barrier.”
Gabby shared a great point that “‘the whatever it takes’ can be scary but if we remember the God we serve, scary’s nothing compared to complete healing and the joy that follows.”
Episode 6: The One F Word You Should Use Daily: Forgiveness
Our episode on forgiveness was definitely one that I had a hard time listening to because it’s challenging but Miriam helped us to understand the impact unforgiveness has in our relationship with God. She revealed that “the majority of the time, forgiveness is done between you and God.” Unforgiveness breeds so many things that negatively affect our lives. We become resentful, bitter, angry, and our hearts are hardened. Jenn reminded us that “most importantly, it (forgiveness) is directly related to your relationship with God.” Unforgiveness can distance yourself from him. So if you call yourself a Jesus follower, and you have not forgiven, the next question I would ask is ‘how’s your relationship with God?’” This question requires us to be really honest with ourselves.
Gabby gives us a couple of questions to consider when confronting the unforgiveness in our hearts. “What are you not saying? What’s the barrier that keeps you from getting there? What’s the thing you’re not letting go of? What’s the thing you’ve been hiding?” We even need to consider what we’re dissatisfied with in our lives. “How you respond and what your relationships look like in your life are like the litmus test.” Forgiveness requires work and when we choose to ignore it, it’ll never get better, only worse. It’s like a toxic disease that slowly kills you spiritually over time. Forgiveness is a choice and a process that takes time. Once you make that decision and intentionally confront the unforgiveness in your heart, you will finally begin to experience the healing and peace that your soul has been craving.
Again, we can’t thank you enough for listening, reading and just showing up. We can’t wait for you to hear what we have planned for Season 2. Until then, we’ll see you next time!
If you haven’t found a sisterhood yet, take some time to pray for God to lead you to the women who you can do life with and who will help you get closer to him.
Reflect on a hard time in your life and look for moments where you saw God’s faithfulness.
Write down or memorize 2-3 scriptures about qualities of God (patience, grace, love, faithfulness, etc.) and read them when you feel doubt or anger creeping in.
Take time to evaluate your relationship with God. Be honest with yourself and if it’s not where you want it to be, think of things you can do to strengthen your relationship with Him. If you’re not sure what to do, you can always ask someone you trust spiritually or pray for guidance.
Friendship and Sisterhood provide the opportunity to learn something. Take those chances with vulnerability.
Be patient, extend grace, give love and take accountability in your friendships. Be willing to communicate and reconcile when hurt happens.
Your story has power and sharing it not only allows you to experience healing but can do the same for others as well.
God can handle your unfiltered thoughts and feelings. Be honest with him and unpack everything you’re feeling but also take time to wait and listen for what he might be trying to tell you.
Forgiveness is ultimately between us and God. Confront any unforgiveness in your heart and give yourself grace and be patient. Forgiveness is a choice and a process. If it’s difficult for you, be honest with God and ask him for help.
Related Scriptures:
Romans 12:10 - Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
John 15:12-13 - My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Ephesians 3:17-19 “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”
Reading Plans:
Walking with God
Living the Life